Monday, 11 May 2015

Worth it or not?

So as you know last week I decided to try out slimming worlds SP week. And it was hard! Cutting out things like pasta and potatoes for a week was a major change, and yes it did get my trying new recipes and things I will admit and my fruit consumption went up a lot BUT I personally just found it stupidly hard and by the end of the week i was slipping up on chips down town and the odd cake. Although these were well within my syn allowance I feel like the deprivation just spun me out of control and I ended up bingeing a bit on the bad stuff once the week was over. It didn't help either that I only lost 2lb for all that hard effort. As i can loose that much on the normal plan in all honesty for myself, i just don't think its worth it at all.

So after a few days of being terrible I am trying to get myself back into the swing of eating nice nutritious on plan foods and hopefully I can get back to loosing a bit more but without all the extra hard effort.

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