Friday, 27 February 2015

Today is a tired day

There are some types of people who post every little thing on facebook, every ache or twinge, some look for sympathy on a serial basis, some just write their whole lives out for people to read.
I don't.
I've often been accused of "spending my life on facebook" when, actually, I don't really look on there much at all. I miss major life events for months on end in some cases, but I try to keep an eye out if I can. Mostly I look at support networks. Some for fibro, some for parenting, some for lifting up my mood and one very good close knit group for boobs everyday life and well everything (you guys know who you are!). Anyway my point is, unless you really know me you could be forgiven for thinking that I only rarely mention being poorly because I live a generally fit and well life.
But I guess that's it, isnt it? People don't really know me. They dont know that every single day I live with chronic pain, pain that is permanently there in many forms and degrees. Like right now, this very second. My head is poundy, thick and full, a headache is brewing that I might take something for so a bit more than the daily headaches I wouldn't bother with. My neck and shoulders burn, that never goes away. My ear aches a little. The bones in my hands hurt, typing is ok but I doubt I could crochet today. My back has a throb and my right ribs have an ache. My lower back is twinging, my knees are sharp pains and my feet too. This is all normal for me. This is actually a very low pain day!
Unfortunately I also suffer with chronic fatigue and today, today is a tired day. It's copable but I'm not getting the things done I had hoped to today and i'm not looking forward to the school run later.
I'm not sure why I'm even babbling now, this post, this post was meant to be about how people don't really understand those of us with hidden conditions, that because we look fine on the outside and don't complain much. Doesn't mean that we are or that our lives aren't living hell on a daily basis.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Forgetfulness again

Thing I hate most about fms is the way it has affected my head. I'd always had a high iq, not quite mensa but I wasn't far off according to some tests. I played chess for Devon and was in top 3% for maths for many years.
Now I'm lucky if I can remember what day of the week it is. Why have I come in to the kitchen? Even how to spell my daughters name.
So unsurprisingly I forgot I had a blog for a while let alone remembering to write something interesting! I also seemed to forget to put a title on my last post lol (sorted now ha)
But anyway I'm back now :)

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Seems I forgot a title

Im still not 100% I have to say. It's not been the best of weeks to say the least, I really hate being poorly, well more poorly than usual. With so little energy reserves to start with even a cold and sore throat really really knocks me for six (what does that mean anyway?) and it takes forever to get completely over things too. So i'm plodding on, feeling crappy, getting things done as you do.

Managed to drag myself out one night last week in order to join slimming world with some friends. I have tried various things over the years with some or little success, so I dont know what to expect from this one. But I NEED something to work, I cant continue living this miserable forever. I have so little self essteam, I just plain hate myself and the way I look.

So here I am on day 6 of slimming world with my first weigh in tomorrow, moment of truth and all that.
I would be lying if I didnt say at times it has been hard, though I have never really gone hungry as such as there is so much unlimited food to choose from, I have missed chocolate and bread and cake and toast laden with butter and yeah basically all the bad stuff in the world! But that's the point right? To be healthier? There were also times when I came to meals I'd planned before this all started that were a bit on the calorific side, but hopefully I've managed to counteract that!
But I have to admit this is the easiest plan I have ever seen, I mean unlimited pasta?!? (*dried stuff) that is AMAZING! I mean I LOVE! pasta :D unlimited lean mean, unlimited fruit and veggies (*fresh and whatnot) it really is weird, ok there is do's and don't's but then theres yeah you can have as much of that as you want! brilliant. You still get a little of the bad stuff too, everyday you have to eat healthy extras, things like cheese milk bread etc come under these so you get a little of the stuff you need in your life without going over the top. Then there are syns. Syns are everything else, like creamy sauces, and chocolate, alcohol, cake etc. So yeah you could have chocolate every day as long as it stayed within your syn allowance! Amazing.

Like I say tomorrow will be proof of the pudding (again...what?) and all that so I will have to report back on how that goes.

Starting as I mean to go on - Big Healthy Shop

Some of the delicious meals I've enjoyed this week!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Feeling Yuck

It's been a while since I last posted as Im fighting a lovely cold/throat infection at the moment. You know the one, thousands of razor blades in your throat yadda yadda.
Unfortunately life as a parent doesnt stop does it? Smallest feeling under the weather too doesnt lend itself to a whole lot of rest, but that's just what we do, carry on regardless (then collapse in a heap at bedtime!)
We've had an action packed few days too with the inlaws visiting and a trip to a nephews birthday party which has been fun, but now I would just very much like some sleep. Please? Oh go on? *sigh*
In other news I am working on a proper post for you all which I hope to complete this week. First time I've actually done a bit of research etc in order to write one! So hopefully it will turn out good for y'all :)
I will also be sharing some products I've been testing out recently, I do love to do a good product testing! So watch out for them coming up too! Now where are the throat sweets.....