Saturday, 9 January 2016


So I know that yet again I have managed to leave it an annoyingly long period of time between posts, but hey this is me, probably best to get used to it lol x

December was crazy and eventful and emotional and well pretty good on the whole I guess.

It was full of an insane amount of assignments due in for college which swamped my time, coupled with an impending driving test I threw the rest of my time (and money) into extra lessons. So pretty full on.

Test day drew nearer, I got more and more stressed and anxious (not great for someone who suffers anxiety on a daily basis already) and then, 4 days before test day, they cancelled! I got an email whilst at college telling me due to unforeseen circumstances they had to cancel my test and gave me another date for February. FEBRUARY!?!?!? I cried. In the middle of college's library, I bawled my eyes out. So much stress and tension for nothing. Gutted is an understatement. I was hoping to drive to my mum's for Christmas (so also praying I would pass) which I definitely wouldn't be able to do :(
All I could do was keep checking online for cancellations and hope that a) something sooner would come along and b) I could keep running the car I'd bought and pay for more lessons.

But it was not all lost! Oh no! For the very next morning on my third check since getting up (like within an hour I was getting a bit obsessive to say the least) a cancellation popped up! For December 23rd! OMG. Booked without hast and praying my instructor was free I was overjoyed. Bouncing I went off to college and once my instructor confirmed that yes she was available I couldn't stop grinning all day. Whether I could drive to mums all hanged on hopefully passing my test the day before, scary but I was overjoyed.

Turns out it must have been for a reason because the Friday morning (original test day) I had an accident involving my daughters buggy's wheels collapsing under themselves and flinging us both straight over into a busy road. We are ok, miraculously she was unharmed despite plummeting forwards. Me not so much as I badly damaged (typically) my bad knee. I'm so thankful for the two cars,coming in opposite directions, stopping and getting out to help us out of the road and making sure we were ok. (oh and not running us over too!) but yeah I was in alot of pain and pretty shaken up, but I'll take that over miss K being hurt any day.

So test day was drawing closer again but this time I felt so much more prepared, and although I was still nervous (sick to my stomach) it was less panicky so I truely believe it was for a reason. Two days before however I get an email from UCAS. "There has been an update on your Track, please log in to view" I had only gone and gotten my first university offer! WOOHOO!

So the point of most of this post? Well you have probably guessed by now in my joyful tone, that on Wednesday 23rd December 2015 at 30 years of age, I finally, (and first time I must add!) passed my driving test!!

It's sooooo weird! Driving down to my mums for Christmas was a scary trial by fire I tell you, but I am slowly getting more used to it. Driving to college every day now is amazing, I have so much more time there and of course have gained the time back from when I was learning too :)

But yeah it has been a busy month. I also got to see my brother at Christmas as he was able to come back for the holidays (currently stationed overseas with the services) which was great but now everything is slowly going back to normal with everyone back at school/college etc